Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by law_withgrace

Favourite Library Spot u_law 💙 • I’m feeling so much better this week with regards to Uni work. As some of you know, I fell behind due to things going on in my personal life. Sometimes things happen and our priorities shift. • It’s very overwhelming to have so much to catch up on, but I’ve been working extra hard over the last few weeks and I’m finally on track with this Semesters content! • 👉🏼One thing that helped me navigate feeling overwhelmed was to segment each task into smaller parts. This way, it was more manageable and progress (however small it was) felt rewarding! • I definitely have a pile of consolation to do and need to get on with making progress with my Dissertation, but we’re getting there 💪🏼 • ❓How’re you getting on with Semester 2? • • • • • #lawstudent #ulaw #legalstudies #lawconversion #lawfluencer #studygram #studyinspo #futuretraineesolicitor #aspiringsolicitors #aestheticstudy #malaw

law_withgrace (@law_withgrace) posted on Instagram