0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by law_with_georgia Published Apr. 19 2021 11:03 AM 🌟 ELECTIVES 🌟 I’m totally so behind on posting this but my course materials only arrived yesterday! (They took literally weeks to get here, annoying but not even surprised😂🙃) I have chosen: -Employment Law -Advanced Criminal -Commercial Dispute Resolution -Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence So far I’m really enjoying the subjects! I found it quite difficult to pick electives especially as I haven’t not secured a training contract yet nor know which area I’d like to specialise. For me I made my decision based on my interests, areas I wanted to know more about and tried to cover a range of subjects. Although there were multiple other elective subjects I could have picked and would have loved learning about! Cannot believe there’s only 12 weeks left of LPC (if your doing the LLM like me) it’s absolutely flown by! I hope everyone else is enjoying their electives!💘 #ulaw #lpc #llm #law #lawstudent #studying #electives #postgradlife law_with_georgia (@law_with_georgia) posted on Instagram April 13, 2021 12:27