0 Likes Like This 2 Like Work Instagram shot by kirstytakesonlaw Published Mar. 27 2020 03:04 PM After an emotional weekend, and struggling to self-motivate after an intense exam season, I am back on track. 🙅 . It is important to rest and recuperate, for your mental and physical health. ☉ In an uncertain time, self-isolation and social distancing is allowing us time to relax somewhat, do those tasks we have been meaning to do for some time and do our bit to stop the dreaded virus from spreading. 😷 I hope you're staying safe at home! . This week, I decided not to travel into the city for classes and work from home. Thankfully, for Ulaw students, a lot of our prep and teaching material is on our portal already so next week, when we go 100% online, will be a new approach to our course. I am concerned about completing workshop tasks alone as I prefer working in groups. So myself and a fellow colleague and friend, have decided to Skype each other to go through the workshop tasks together.☺ Needs must! . I am also planning for my MSc case study due on 22 April which I also have to prepare a presentation for, as well as another interview for a training contract! Its all pretty full on and hectic at the moment, but we must make the most of our situation. 👍 . Stay safe, stay in and wash your hands people! 👐 . #studyfromhome #workfromhome #lawblog #blogger #studentblogger #lpcstudent #lpcmsc #myjourneyintolaw #lawstudent #lawschool #covid19 #pandemic #ulaw #ulawstudents kirstytakesonlaw (@kirstytakesonlaw) posted on Instagram March 19, 2020 07:51