0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by georgia_rhian7 Published Aug. 20 2021 09:46 AM Now I’m in this period of limbo between end of exams, results, and the LPC, I feel like I finally have some time to catch up on some reading and also pick up something new to keep my mind sharp! I don’t know about you, but I’ll forget how to spell my own name if I go long enough without mental stimulation! Especially now as I enter a period of time with no uni and no work to be found, its paramount that I keep myself busy and keep to a routine for the benefit of my mental health. So I’m (attempting) to learn Japanese! I’m hoping to be at least n5 level by the end of the year but we’ll see how it goes. I’ve currently done about 24 hours of learning (slow and steady to make sure it sticks!) and I’m enjoying the challenge that a language so different to English in every way is bringing me. The main resources I am using (other than the books you can see) are: - Busuu - NHK World Easy Japanese Lessons - Genki 1 - Jishoo dictionary - & changing my keyboard to romaji when taking notes. Let’s see where this takes me and good luck to everyone else keeping their sanity as we wait for results! . 🇯🇵 . #lawstudent #gdlstudent #ulaw #japanese #studymotivation #studygram #selfstudy #japanesestudy #bookgram #languagelearning georgia_rhian7 (@georgia_rhian7) posted on Instagram January 26, 2021 11:09