0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by elliotdoeslaw Published Sept. 30 2022 12:35 PM BOOK HAUL 📚 Book after book came out the heavy box. It seemed scary. Look at the bright side. You now have an EXPENSIVE; 1. Chair 2. Cup holder 3. TV stand 4. Desk 5. Beside table . . . . . #law #legal #lawyer #solicitor #legalindustry #degree #lawdegree #uni #university #motivation #success #career #careers #applications #LPC #tc #trainingcontract #secondment #graduate #advice #study #student #lawstudent #lawinsta #vacationscheme #books #library #humour #lawbooks #ulaw elliotdoeslaw (@elliotdoeslaw) posted on Instagram September 29, 2022 17:31