0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by demslawlife Published Dec. 15 2020 01:39 PM Spending the end of the night consolidating some past workshops and large groups ready for exams🥺 Exam season is approaching at the most wonderful time of the year👩🏼 💼but that doesn’t mean some revision can’t be made around all the celebrations🥳. Studying is all about finding the right balance for you. The basis should involve downtime of revision or some consolidation as well as leisure time to relax and de-stress from studying. We all need breaks to give ourselves and our minds a rest ✨. How confident are you guys feeling for upcoming assessments? 🤭 #liveprospectus #ulaw #law #lawstudent #exams demslawlife (@demslawlife) posted on Instagram December 14, 2020 21:12