0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by darcystill_law Published Dec. 15 2020 01:40 PM 📍Interviewing Assessment completed!! After a crazy few weeks, my second assessment of the LPC has now been completed🥵 one more (Wills and Administration of Estates) on Thursday then can FINALLY start looking forward to Christmas, and by that, I mean try and start revising for Solicitors Accounts in January🥴 For now though, I’m going to take a few hours to relax as my brain is completely and utterly fried🤯 hope everyone is doing well throughout exams and assignment deadlines!! #university #uni #student #studygram #study #studymotivation #lpc #llb #lawstudent #lawstudies🎓 #lawstudentsproblems #ulaw #universitystudent #interviewing darcystill_law (@darcystill_law) posted on Instagram December 15, 2020 12:22