0 Likes Like This 2 Like Work Instagram shot by chelsea_lawblog_ Published Sept. 22 2021 10:54 AM Today was the day! It was my first day of 3rd Year! MY FINAL YEAR OF THE LLB! 😱🤩It’s super scary but also super exciting as it means I’m one step closer to achieving my goal! Today was full of welcome back sessions from u_law incredible career and employment team, the study support team and of course the amazing Bristol tutors! I’m super excited to get into my first lecture of the year next Thursday for Equity and Trusts! My compulsory modules are; Equity and Trusts, Business Law 2 and Civil Dispute Resolution! How is everyone else feeling for the start of this academic year? 🤩🤩 #law #student #studying #lawyer #equity #business #civildisputes #university #ulaw #finalyearstudent chelsea_lawblog_ (@chelsea_lawblog_) posted on Instagram September 21, 2021 16:23