0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by chelsea_lawblog_ Published Dec. 15 2020 04:02 PM ❄️❄️❄️Start of Exam Season❄️❄️❄️ During lockdown, I have sometimes lacked the motivation to be able to revise but as exams and assessments start to be released so it’s full steam ahead. I thought I would keep you all updated on how this exam/assessments season goes and provide any tips that have worked for me. I have spent today consolidating my knowledge on co-ownership which is my least favourite area of land. Making use of practice questions has really boosted my confidence on this topic and now I’m feeling slightly better about it. How’s everyone feeling for exam season? #liveprospectus #ulaw #llb #landlaw #studies #winter #christmas #exams #assessments chelsea_lawblog_ (@chelsea_lawblog_) posted on Instagram December 15, 2020 14:58