0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by caffeinated_law_student Published Sept. 25 2020 06:11 PM 🌱 Folder Organisation 🌱 I’ve been asked how I’ve organised my notes and materials for each topic, so here goes! Each of my 4 modules has its own folder. In each folder every workshop is separated by a divider. On each divider is the date of the workshop, and the textbook that is relevant to it. For each workshop I have the workshop guide, the assessment criteria, a space for my own brief notes (after consolidation), and then the specimen paper or exemplar work! There’s so much paper involved with the LPC it’s super important to know where everything is. The best way to do it is to find a way that suits you so you can navigate quickly and easily in the exam ☺️ . . . #lawstudent #law #lawschool #lawyer #aspiringsolicitor #solicitor #lpc #legalpracticecourse #ulaw #universityoflaw #study #studying #studygram #studyblr #studyspo #notes #organisation #folders #colourful caffeinated_law_student (@caffeinated_law_student) posted on Instagram September 25, 2020 17:11