0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by busylawbee Published Apr. 9 2021 10:22 AM ☑️BUSINESS LAW EXAM IS DONE☑️ Good evening bees, I would have posted this sooner but after my exam with how long it was I wanted to be out and about! I also had such a lovely surprise from my boyfriend visiting me after work and giving me these yellow roses (Do look a bit more on the white side in this photo!) and some chocolates. We had some pizza and chilled for a bit, so the ending of today has been really nice. The exam itself was probably the hardest exam I have ever done. Like ever. I did prefer the written questions to the multiple choice. The questions were not too bad, I wanted the tax question to be corporation tax but instead it was capital gains tax which I was still happy with. There was a question on insolvency but acting for the administrator and then a partnership question. I can’t believe the company procured question was in total 30 marks. That’s definitely one of the questions to get the most marks in! Fingers crossed I have done enough to pass. I’ve put my business law books, files and notes away and now am ready for the next modules being Employment Law and Private Client. Think the workshops start again in a few weeks. I’m also feeling okay for the legal writing assessment on Friday. I just hope there won’t be any technical difficulties! I’m now having a nice shower and not thinking of business law again until exam results for it which is the 20th of May 2021. Well done everyone that did the exam today and also who had exams this week. I’m sure you’re all doing amazing and you’ve smashed each one out of the park. I shall post soon! Good night bees! #law #lawblog #exam #relax #roses #lindt #lindor #desk #study #studygram #studyblr #lawgram #lawblog #businesslaw #examseason #youvegotthis #flowers #happy #lpcllm #ulaw #universityoflaw #solicitor #oneexamdone busylawbee (@busylawbee) posted on Instagram March 10, 2021 21:46