0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by browneyedlawyer Published Apr. 23 2020 04:09 PM Back to online workshops today 🙋🏻 ♀️ Top tips for online/recorded workshops. ______________ 🔹️Play it at the speed you need. Sometimes I've read and done all my preparation work and when I go to the recorded workshop, I'm familiar with most of it so I usually play it at 1.25x. Other times I need more of an explanation and I play it a lower speed. ______________ 🔹️I use the transcript provided from the lecture to help me create a skeleton for my notes. I usually want to write everything the tutor says and it takes me hours to get it all done. So now I use the transcript to help me get key information from each task and that helps me focus on listening to the workshop instead of trying to write everything down. _____________ 🔹️As I go over the material I write down questions, and I either email my tutor or ask them before the class starts. This way I check my understanding of the material. I find asking questions through the collab sessions a bit intimidating, I much prefer to and questions face to face but given the circumstances, we have to make the most of what we have. _________________ 🔹️ For my collaboration sessions I NEVER stay in bed. I know I will be falling asleep for sure and I wouldn't be able to take notes, so I prefer to go into the living room or the dining room table. ___________________ 🔹️ I take breaks between my sessions. It's important to remember just because you are inside all day doesn't meant you need to be working non stop. _______________ Keep taking one day at a time 🌻 we will get through this 🤞 #lpc #study #studywithme #stationerylover #assessment #ulaw #futuretrainee #aspiringsolicitor #motivation #worksmart #studygram #studycommunity #lawtina #lawyertobe browneyedlawyer (@browneyedlawyer) posted on Instagram April 21, 2020 12:01