0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by browneyedlawyer Published Mar. 27 2020 02:58 PM Goodbye Core Modules 👋🏻🙌🏼🙋🏻 ♀️ ✔8/8 exams done. So grateful to have survived this exam season. I've taken a few days off from social media to focus on my exams and also to take some time to recharge. I feel so much better for it and I'm excited to start the next term. ✔The electives I'm taking are Mergers and Acquisitions, Public company and Advance Real estate. M&A and public company are compulsory modules for my firm and then I had the choice between 3 other options that my firm also chose and I picked advance real estate. ✔Unfortunately there is a lot of uncertainty on how that's going to look like. Next week I have my last face to face workshops because the university will be close from the 23rd march to the 20 April. So even though it's two weeks that we will miss workshops because the other two we were going to be in our Easter break. Its still 2/ 9 workshops that we won't have a workshop for. And anyone doing the lpc understand the value of face to face interaction especially in a course that is already very student driven/independent. However, I understand that health and safety should always be a priority therefore I will be sharing how I navigate this new approach to learning online. ✔Also for the next 6 weeks I will be working on the coursework for my masters in law and business management. #lpc #ulaw #aspiringsolicitor #studying #study #studywithme #online #coursework #workshops #wellness #lawstudent #lawyertobe #motivation #lpclife #discipline #books browneyedlawyer (@browneyedlawyer) posted on Instagram March 14, 2020 15:18