0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by annareadelaw Published Oct. 28 2020 10:41 AM Truthfully, I didn’t think Business Law and Practice would be a module that I would particularly enjoy but it’s safe to say I was wrong. It’s so important to not make preconceived opinions before having the opportunity to learn and experience the modules as this can affect how you do feel about it and how well you perform. I have learned this since starting the LPC. I am thoroughly enjoying Business Law and Practice and I am now keen to not make judgements on any electives I choose before I start them. I cannot praise the lecturers u_law enough for making all the modules enjoyable and also explaining to us how they may be relevant to the area of practice we are interested in. It really helps to keep us engaged. So far so good, and despite the many many hours of work, I am thoroughly enjoying the LPC!📚 • #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawstudentlife #lawstudentsofinstagram #university #universitylife #postgraduate #study #studying #studyfromhome #businesslaw #learning #learningeveryday #happy #busy #llb #lpc #llm #ulaw #universityoflaw annareadelaw (@annareadelaw) posted on Instagram October 25, 2020 17:38