Hey everyone! Study mode is officially ACTIVATED! Today I start my first last day at u_law ! This is going to be a very difficult and intense year, but it's all about hard work and perseverance... It is also going to be extremely tiring and will take a toll on my body in regard to HEDs. As Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is an invisible disability, it is extremely hard to notice if someone is suffering. Always check in with your fellow zebras, especially at times like these because being a student alone is NOT easy, but suffering with an hidden disability AND being a student is extremely difficult! It puts a lot of pressure on you to balance student life, being social, and listening to your body and resting! Happy Back-to-Uni! Have great day! 🤍🖤 #ULaw #University #UniversityStudent #student #studentlife #HEDs #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Hypermobility #studying #study #studylife #zebra #zebras #law #lawdegree
Fruitful Session with Faizan Bhai, Country Representative, University of Law Uk 🇬🇧 #universityoflaw #paragonoverseaseducation
Courses delivered by qualified lawyers, with small tutorial groups, high contact hours and regular feedback.
Here at The University of Law, we have developed a refined syllabus of courses to complement your legal education career needs. From the undergraduate LLB all the way through to the barrister-level BPTC, our courses are specifically designed by some of the country’s top law academics – the majority of whom have previously practised law – so you can be confident in the knowledge that you’re learning real-world legal skills from real lawyers. Read more