0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by u_law Published June 16 2022 03:18 PM It’s all about the #prep • @_thelegallybrunette With only a week to go until LPC Elective Exams begin, this is how I’m preparing for them📚 • • My number one tip is to make a detailed checklist for each elective of revision tasks. It can be overwhelming thinking about how much content needs reviewing but I break my revision down to help with this. • • I’ve also learned from the core exams how importation preparation is and ensuring I have a good set of notes for the exam. It’s definitely worth tabbing the textbooks and your notes for easy access when you’re under timed conditions. • • #lpc #legalpracticecourse #ulaw #electives #exam #exams #revision #study #studygram #law #lawstudent #lawblog #lawblogger #revision The University of Law (@u_law) posted on Instagram June 07, 2022 14:12