0 Likes Like This 2 Like Work Instagram shot by thelegalhive Published Jan. 14 2022 03:23 PM Throwback to June 2020 - lockdown restrictions were slowly easing, and I submitted by final coursework, graduating in a global pandemic. I think I've rinsed this photo all over my personal socials and realised I didn't post it on my legal page! During my third year I found it very tough to stay motivated and the lockdown back in March 2020 didn't help with that. However I kept pushing through and kept working hard, even though I was so done with studying. But all this work has been worth it. A few months later I found out I graduated with a First Class Honours and I've never felt so happy. Just a reminder to the third years right now - it's very hard to stay motivated during your final year. But this is the final push. And trust me, your hard work will all pay off in the end. Keep going! 🎇 thelegalhive (@thelegalhive) posted on Instagram January 05, 2022 19:30