0 Likes Like This 3 Like Work Instagram shot by thelegalachiever Published Jan. 14 2022 03:30 PM Exam Time! _ Been a little while since I last posted but I have been very busy with preparing for my exams 😬. _ It was really nice to get spend some time on campus to take the exams. I do like studying online but it can be a bit lonely and hard to motivate myself at times. _ So far I have … ✅ Submitted my Practical Legal ✅ Undertook my Real Interviewing Assessment ✅ Completed my Wills and Estates Exam I am a little nervous about how I did, but here’s hoping they all went okay. _ However, now is the chance to take some time to relax over Christmas. I am trying to make a conscious effort to not overwhelm or stress myself out (easier said than done) but to take a little break. #law #lawstudygram #unioflaw #studylaw #exams #stressful thelegalachiever (@thelegalachiever) posted on Instagram December 19, 2021 12:45