0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by thelegalachiever Published Oct. 1 2021 11:54 AM Been a while since I have posted. But I have officially started the LPC 🎉. Feel very weird to say. To sum it up, the first few weeks have been very busy and everything is fast paced. Especially when trying to juggle studying with working part-time. 😅 However, I am enjoying the course so far! Decided today to go and study in a coffee shop rather than at home. Find it much more motivating and obviously there are much less distractions. 😁 #lawstudygram #law #lawstudent #studying #lpc #lawschool #exhausted #unioflaw thelegalachiever (@thelegalachiever) posted on Instagram September 29, 2021 15:24