0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by thelawyerportal Published Apr. 28 2020 12:10 PM Happy Tuesday TLP'ers! . I hope you are all well and safe. . This weekend and the beginning of this week has been a crazy one already! . I have managed to maintain motivation levels this week, which is a miracle in itself; although I have to muster up some motivation to keep going. . This week's workload has been intense. I have my Law & Business MSc essay due tomorrow! I finished it last week and uploaded it, however in my spare time I have started re-adjusting it and reducing my word count. I prefer to take an organised approach to these things as coursework deadlines are stressful. . I haven't had much to relax and do the things I enjoy, but such is life! . As much as I love to relax and enjoy my down time, I suffer with work guilt. I sit there worrying and fretting I am not getting things done. So, I remind myself that I have been organised (more than I realise) and to give myself a pat on the back. I know we all hear this a lot, but self care really is underrated. Don't feel guilty about having you-time away from your work and studies! . Have a brilliant week guys. . #TLPTakeover by Kirsty Henton (kirstytakesonlaw), LPC student at the #universityoflaw. #lawstudents #lawschool #lockdown #aspiringsolicitors #solicitor #selfcare thelawyerportal (@thelawyerportal) posted on Instagram April 28, 2020 11:10