0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by thelawyerportal Published May 5 2020 10:46 AM Happy Tuesday TLP'ers! . This week the exam 'fear' we all know and love as well and truly set in. However, this time round I am anxious but not feeling so overwhelmed like I did for my core exams, which is always positive. . We finish our elective modules in only 3 weeks! It feels as if we have just started them, but its working out well for me as everything is still fresh in my mind. We then have 2 weeks for revision and our 'at-home' exams commence. It is flabbergasting how fast the LPC has flown by. I am dumbfounded by how much you cover so quickly, and before you know it, you're done and dusted. Pure madness. . Wishing all undergraduate students (law and non-law) the very best of luck with exams this week (if your exams are going ahead). This time last year, on this very day, I was sitting my first final year law exam! Lots of you have postgraduate deadlines this week as well, best of luck with it all. . #tlptakeover by Kirsty Henton (kirstytakesonlaw), LPC student at #universityoflaw #lawschool #lawstudents #aspiringlawyer #solicitor thelawyerportal (@thelawyerportal) posted on Instagram May 05, 2020 09:46