0 Likes Like This 5 Like Work Instagram shot by thehappysolicitor Published Oct. 15 2021 10:18 AM Today I did probono and it was so much fun! One thing I wanted to do this year in any capacity I had time for was some pro Bono (essentially legal volunteering)! A few students from u_law went to a secondary school and we each had created a lesson with interactive activities talking about anything in the realm of citizenship! My key takeaways: - school feels like not that long ago until you go to a school and get told you look old 😢 - There are so many ways to approach the same task! I was pleasantly surprised at how involved and inventive the classes were! - 5.30am get up to get to Stroud is not something I’ll be doing too regularly… - Doing the same lesson plan all day does wonders for refining your presentation skills! - Probono is a great way to know students outside of you class! . . . #legalpracticecourse #lawstudent #probonolawyer #ulaw thehappysolicitor (@thehappysolicitor) posted on Instagram October 12, 2021 18:20