0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by the_life_of_a_lawstudent Published Apr. 9 2021 09:55 AM Planning my next steps once I finish my bachelor of laws degree. Unfortunately the theopenuniversity doesn’t offer a combined Masters & LPC/SQE route yet so my journey with them may come to an end when I finish my LLB next year. Although I’m still very undecided on whether I want to go down the barrister or solicitor route yet... and if I do go down a solicitor route whether I want to the LPC or the SQE. Hopefully the prospectus’ and guides that have arrived in the post today from u_law help with the decision and shed some more light on the choices available. #lawdegree #lawstudent #bacheloroflaws #masteroflaw #lpc #sqe #bpc #futuresteps #lawstudentlife #ulaw #universityoflaw #openuniversity #openuniversitystudent #openuniversitylawstudent #lawschool #law #lawyerinthemaking the_life_of_a_lawstudent (@the_life_of_a_lawstudent) posted on Instagram March 20, 2021 17:28