0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by tashaslegalcareer Published Jan. 4 2021 03:31 PM PRACTICAL LEGAL RESEARCH (PLR) EXAM Our first u_law LPC exam was PLR! We were given a week to do the coursework. It detailed an issue a client had on a matter we have not studied on the course, and we had to conduct research into the answer and relevant law. Then, we had to present our findings in an appropriate report. Swipe to see how I prepared for the PLR exam. I was quite nervous for it, so made sure I took extra steps to become more confident. Plus, the course I undertook looks great on my CV☺️ #legalresearch #plr #ulaw #lpc #lpcllm #lawstudent #studytips #postgraduate #postgraduatelife #examtips tashaslegalcareer (@tashaslegalcareer) posted on Instagram December 20, 2020 16:46