0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by stopstoppingme Published Nov. 5 2020 09:14 AM This is where the action happens 📚 Five weeks into the Bar Course, I thought I'd make a post about how it's going. Firstly, it is very interesting and practically based which is great. It is very heavy on reading and requires a lot of prep but at the moment the pros are certainly outweighing the cons. I currently study four modules per week: ✴️ Criminal litigation ✴️ Criminal Advocacy ✴️ Civil Litigation ✴️ Civil Advocacy Students are expected to undertake 48 hours study per week. That's 8 hours of on campus classes across two days (one day criminal one civil), and 40 hours of independent study. Time management is so important on this course, I have just had a reading week and spent the majority of it actually reading! Which is what I'm going to go back to doing now! #lawschool #lawstudents #lawstudentsofinstagram #BPTC #BPC #BTC #desksetup #ulaw #university #law #legal stopstoppingme (@stopstoppingme) posted on Instagram October 31, 2020 18:50