0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by spillingtheteaonthelpc Published Sept. 4 2020 04:04 PM 🌟 ..and so it begins 🌟 Today I started my preparation for the LPC. Some of the items I have purchased have been ordered online and will arrive at some point this weekend; however, I thought I would share my list of the items I have bought for those who are unsure what to buy. 🔮 Files - 100% necessity 🔮 Writing pads (Does anyone else prefer to write their notes out rather than typing them?) 🔮 File dividers - Plenty of them! 🔮 Post-it Notes 🔮 Bookmark Tabs - amazon have some great deals on these! (980 for £5.99) 🔮 Highlighters - ryman have Pastel colours 😍😍 🔮 Planner/Yearly organiser - madetoplan have some amazing personalised ones! #student #lawstudent #ulaw #law #legal #organised #planning spillingtheteaonthelpc (@spillingtheteaonthelpc) posted on Instagram September 04, 2020 15:04