0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by phoebellaw Published May 25 2020 01:39 PM 🌻HOW I TAB🌻 picture 2: I tab along the top for my significant pages that can be turned to easily in the exam. 🧡tabs = provisions of key TFEU articles 💛tabs = follow up activities/ checklists 💗tabs = tables with Regulation/ Directive info in. 💚tabs = points to note Picture 3: along the vertical length I tabbed information I need to refer to incase it escapes the top of my head! 🧡tabs = tables 💚tabs= summaries 💙tabs= cases 💗tabs= definitions of key principles I find it much easier to use a coherent colour scheme across the entire module rather than colour code for each sub-unit. What about you guys?? #lawstudent #studygram #studywithme #law #eulaw #gdl #ulaw phoebellaw (@phoebellaw) posted on Instagram May 25, 2020 12:39