0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by notalawgrad Published July 14 2023 10:24 AM 29 DAYS UNTIL SQE2 STARTS Today, I got through a lot!!! (Yay) My focus for next week are: 📄 Go over the SRA SQE2 specification that I haven’t yet 🗣️Memorise the potential topics which could come under oral skills ✍️Plan and practise openers for advocacy #sra #sqe #lpc #sqe2 #studentlawyer #studentlawyers #solicitor #barrister #studygram #traineelawyer #trainingcontract #qwe #qualifyingworkexperience #gradscheme #graduation #graduateschool #bpp #ulaw notalawgrad (@notalawgrad) posted on Instagram July 02, 2023 20:41