0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by lpcwithamy Published Feb. 3 2023 10:23 AM 📚💻LPC LLM…let’s talk! I am officially 3 weeks into studying the LPC LLM part-time, online with ULaw. It’s been tough to adapt to studying and working a 9-5 job at the same time but I think I’ve settled into a good routine and have already picked up some great tips and habits which I thought I could share. 🗓️PLAN YOUR WEEK🗓️ I think one of the best things I utilised straight away was the power of “to-do lists” and weekly planning. By having a weekly planner and creating a to-do list at the start of the week I can visually see what tasks I need to do, when I have the time to do them and then can allocate slots to each task. By knowing exactly what I need to do for each unit I feel a sense of accomplishment when I can tick an element off, even if it is just as small as reading the relevant legislation. ⏰TIMINGS⏰ I have used the app ‘Flora’ since my A-Levels and it is a LIFESAVER. Flora is a concept where you set a study timer to ‘grow different trees’ and you can’t go on your phone whilst its growing or you will ‘kill’ it. It also lets me see how long I spend studying each week which is really helpful. 🖍️TABBING & HIGHLIGHTING🖍️ I was told before I started my LPC to by plastic tabs, fine line permanent markers, plastic post it notes and many many highlighters. These stationary items have been such a blessing for all the extensive reading and to add feedback/comments into the textbooks. Don’t make notes on the reading, there is too much. Instead, tab and highlight with a key that makes sense to you. If anyone wants a separate post on how I tab/annotate my textbooks let me know! 📖LPC Buddy📖 Purchasing the LPCBuddy has made consolidating so much easier and ensures I have examplars, links to the textbook pages, and everything I need. I cannot recommend it enough! 😴RELAX😴 One of the best tips I received before starting was from a friend of mine who said to have a designated personal day each week. If you study ever day, you will get burnt out, so every Sunday I close all my textbooks, and my laptop screen and take it as a recharging personal day! lpcwithamy (@lpcwithamy) posted on Instagram January 22, 2023 15:06