0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by littlelawyerldn Published Sept. 15 2020 12:44 PM One last final push through the next 9 months of balancing work and law school! 😍⚖️ - Dispute Resolution - Real Estate - Solicitors Accounts - Professional Practice Research Report - Commercial Dispute Resolution - Criminal Litigation - Professional Practice u_law #LPC #lpcllm #lawschool #masteroflaws #universityoflaw #lawyer #lawstudent #traineesolicitor #paralegal #lawgraduate #bachelorsoflaw #lawpostgraduate #londonlawyer #solicitor #law #careergoals #lawyersofinstagram #legallyblonde #legalpractice #lawlife littlelawyerldn (@littlelawyerldn) posted on Instagram September 15, 2020 11:44