Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

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Since I’ll be spending the rest of my summer working on my Law of Orgs assignment, I thought I could talk a little bit about the GDL, why I decided to self-fund the course and why I chose to study at the University of Law. 👩🏽 ⚖️ The GDL is the law conversion course for everyone who didn’t study law for their undergraduate degree at university. This year will be the last year to start the GDL, as it will be replaced by the SQE. 👩🏽 ⚖️ A lot of law firms will fund the GDL (and LPC), but my first cycle of applications last year was not very successful and the reason that was often given was that I didn’t have sufficient work experience. I decided to self fund the course. It’s actually really common. The number of available Training Contracts to UK law graduates (excluding international applicants and applicants from a non-law background) is 28:1 or 3.57%. In fact, when I started, nobody on my entire course had a training contract, nor had anyone started applying for one. Law firms sometimes let successful applicants start earlier if they have already completed the courses and will often also reimburse them. Having started my GDL made a huge difference this cycle. Not only could I prove my commitment to law, it also gave me access to the careers services, but that’s a different story. Lastly, I wanted to do the GDL rather than the SQE, because it is tried and tested and I didn’t want to be the first SQE generation in case there are any teething problems. 👩🏽 ⚖️ I chose u_law because it is the chosen provider of the firms I knew I was going to apply for, but also because exams are at the end of each term, while at BPP you sit all exams at once at the end of the year. The GDL is really study heavy as is and I honestly don’t know how anyone can sit all these exams at the same time. The course content will be the same, so I think it comes down to preference and learning style. #lawyerintraining #trainingcontract #trainee #futurelawyer #nutrition #studygram #legal #quarantine #quarantinelife #lockdown #recipe #lunch #legalcheek #gdl #ulaw

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