0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by legaltabs Published Jan. 14 2022 03:20 PM Officially clocked off work and entered into my study leave before my January exams! 📚😬Definitely starting to feel the pre-exam nerves but grateful to have time to focus fully on studying for the next two weeks without having to also balance work. Studying part-time while working full-time is not an easy feat - you need to become a time-management whiz! 😅Focusing on my motivations and how all this hard work will be so worth it in the long run is my driving force 😁 (and also being incredibly organised with my calendar, time is so valuable!) Do any of you study and work full time? How do you find balancing the two? If you are also sitting exams this January, good luck! 🍀 #law #lawstudentlife📚 #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyer #legal #lawexams #exams #examseason #study #studygram #studylaw #studywithme #university #student #universityoflaw #universitystudent legaltabs (@legaltabs) posted on Instagram January 07, 2022 18:21