0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by legallylpc Published Feb. 4 2021 04:40 PM This was me in July... A graduation in my porch wasn’t the most glamorous but it represented my time at university perfectly. Most of the time the plans I had never went the way I thought so I am dealing with it. Last year taught me the importance of flexibility. I was always rigid in my plans and once I planned to do something a certain way, that was the only way! I’m not totally flexible now but I do allow more change to my plans which has made me grow and resulted in me being less stressed! We have to take the positives! What did last year teach you? #lpc #law #lawstudent #lawstudies🎓 #lawrevision #lawstudentlife📚 #graduation2020 #uni #universityoflaw #uni legallylpc (@legallylpc) posted on Instagram February 01, 2021 17:47