0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by legallyhm Published Apr. 9 2021 10:44 AM THE REALITIES OF STUDYING A MASTERS IN LOCKDOWN 📚 I’ve been a bit quiet on social media lately and I think that’s perfectly acceptable in the climate we’re currently living in. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed. Sometimes we don’t want to see how well others are coping. Sometimes we just need a break to reset and that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do! Social media is a notorious platform for people to compare themselves to others in their appearance, lifestyle and productivity, and it can be seriously unhealthy! I’m not ashamed to admit I have really hit a wall with the home learning, but I won’t give up. Second semester is relentless with more modules to prep for, constant exams and a research project to complete...whilst also having to fit in going to work and supposedly having some downtime. I know the end is in sight, both for lockdown and this course, and I keep reminding myself of that when I’m struggling. It’s impossible to feel positive all of the time, and that’s OK! Just take it one day at a time and we will all get through this! It won’t be long until I can spend Saturday evenings out for drinks with the girls instead of prepping for the upcoming week! 🤞🏼 #ulaw #malaw #postgradlife #lockdown #countdowntofreedom #studygram #lawstudent #lawstudentblogger legallyhm (@legallyhm) posted on Instagram March 13, 2021 17:17