0 Likes Like This 1 Like Work Instagram shot by legally_liz_ Published July 7 2021 03:37 PM 🥂✨17 exams and one report later, I’ve finished the LPC LLM✨🥂 I can’t believe that I’ve actually got through the LPC in one piece! On this course I’ve met people who studied Law at undergrad (like myself), different undergrad courses ranging from English to Project Management then progressing into the GDL Law conversion course and doing the LPC and every single person has said the same thing… the LPC is the hardest university course they’ve ever done 😳 It’s come to a bit of an anticlimactic end what with COVID restrictions and online exams but I am so proud of myself and everyone else on this course should be too. Now I can enjoy my summer and look forward to my new career! I just have to keep my fingers crossed for results day 🤞🏼🍾 #legalpracticecourse #lpc #ulaw #traineesolicitor #futurelawyers #goodbyeuniversity legally_liz_ (@legally_liz_) posted on Instagram July 05, 2021 18:01