Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by legally.louise

Time lapse of preparing for a workshop 🤓📚 • Workshop prep normally takes me about 4-5 hours for one lesson (depending on the amount of reading and how many prep tasks there are). Today this one took me 3 hours and I’m so glad I time lapsed it because it kept me off my phone 🤣 (maybe I’ll be able to get all my workshops done in 3 hours if I put down my phone....🤔) Plus, it’s super therapeutic to watch and you can look back at how productive you’ve been! • Usually, I start by watching any lecture recordings (if there are any) to give me a better idea of what I’m about to read (usually on a 1.5x speed lol). I’ll make brief notes based on what I think is important. I then complete all reading and prep tasks. The reading is much easier and quicker to do when you already have a good grasp of what you’re reading from the lecture you’ve already watched 😎 • Also, for those of you who were looking to secure some vacation schemes / assessment centres / training contracts this year... I know many have been delayed/postponed/cancelled BUT you can really utilise this opportunity to do your research on law firms! Applications will be back up and running eventually (we don’t know when) so what better time than to keep going with application research? I’ve got some highlights on my page to help with training contract application advice and vacation scheme advice so go and check it out! Then, when applications do reopen, you’ll have lots of research already done and be at an advantage to everyone else. So, if you need any help or tips on this then feel free to message me! 🤗😃👩🏽 ⚖️👩🏽 🎓✏️💻 • I hope everyone is healthy and well 💗 I know this is a really tough time for everyone. No matter your circumstance, you are doing amazing and it will all be okay. This is a temporary rubbish situation. My inbox is open always 🧡 stay safe! • • #justkeepswimming #legal #legallylouise #lawaccount #lawstudent #postgraduate #postgrad #postgradstudent #timelapse #studyhour #study #trainingcontract #trainingcontractapplication #vacationscheme #lawschool #unioflaw #universityoflaw #research #ellewoods #legallyblonde #futuresolicitor #traineesolicitor #studyaccount #studywithme #legaleagle

legally.louise (@legally.louise) posted on Instagram