0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally.louise Published Apr. 29 2020 07:32 PM 🌻 A day in the life of an LPC student 🌻 - On my story today I explained how I structure my days being an LPC student. It really was a typical “day in the life” and is generally my everyday routine! Apologies for completely BOMBARDING you all today 🤣🤦🏽 ♀️ - At the moment I try and treat days like “9-5 working days” and am trying to get back into the swing of studying for the whole day. This morning I had a slower start which means I pushed myself a bit to finish a bit later! It’s obviously important to only do this if you’re feeling mentally up to it (as right now you really need to take care of yourself) but I’m definitely glad I gave myself the extra push to complete all my tasks on my To Do list today. Takes masses amount of pressure off! - I hope you all found it useful and I’ve added it to a highlight in case you ever wonder how I plan and structure my days as an LPC student and how long I spend on things. Even if you just skimmed through and read only parts, I don’t expect anyone to read it all in detail!🤣💪🏼 - If you haven’t yet go and try my new bingo template! I’ve added it to my highlights 😘❤️ - Hope everyone had a good day, whether you were studying or having a day off!❤️ - 🌻🧡 legally.louise (@legally.louise) posted on Instagram April 29, 2020 18:32