0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally.louise Published June 21 2020 09:07 PM 💻 Virtual Vac Scheme ready 💻 - I managed to move my desk around (temporarily!) so I have a clearer backdrop for any meetings and video calls (perfume bottles aren’t in the camera shot 😉) so I’m all set up for the Virtual Vacation Scheme this week with legalcheek partnered with u_law ! 💪🏼 - I’ve printed off and expanded the note template that Chrissie from cwolfe_lab has kindly made for those who are doing the Scheme. I will also be editing it on my laptop too if I run out of room. If you’re interested in the template, pop an email over to Chrissie who will send you a downloadable grid ☺️ - It’s important to treat Virtual Vac Schemes as if you were attending in person. You still want to make a great impression and feel the part! I’ve picked out some outfits I will wear this week (top half AND bottom half 😂) and I’m excited to get dressed up for the first time in so long, even if I don’t go on video!👗 - 👇🏻See below for some last minute tips to make the most out of virtual vacation schemes👇🏻 > 🖊 Write up what you learned and did at the end of each day. For my vacation scheme last year I took a notepad to jot down any tasks but also a brief overview of each day. This helps to remember things you enjoyed or struggled with most. I will be using cwolfe_lab grid for this 😁 > 💻 Spend some time researching the Speakers/Solicitors/Partners who will be attending. You may come across a recent article or case they have been a part of and you may get a chance to ask some questions or get involved in a conversation. > 📖 Read all instructions thoroughly and carefully. Make sure you have downloaded any software you need to install before the scheme and double check the time and schedule for each day. > 🤓 Stay focused and interested. Try and maintain eye contact with the person speaking and make sure not to wander off! (This is easily done when you’re looking at a screen, but try to stay focused 🤓) > 🍸Enjoy it! Vacation schemes offer great insight into law firms (and legal news websites such as Legal Cheek) and how they operate. Make sure to take part in any virtual events that may be happening after the scheme and use this as a chance get to know everyone if you haven’t yet. legally.louise (@legally.louise) posted on Instagram June 21, 2020 20:07