0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally.lana Published Feb. 3 2025 11:46 AM Looking ahead! The second term of my LLM in legal practice with u_law kicks off tomorrow, focused on SQE 2 - •interviewing •legal research •case and matter analysis •advocacy •legal writing •legal drafting The course covers part of each of these topics every week, whereas the first term alternated between all the topic areas for the SQE 1. Ahead: - I have planned time around my full-time work and allocated time for studying each, making notes and doing the practical tasks (most important!) - As a trainee, I feel SQE 2 is my strongest half of the exams, with a lot of the tasks being part of my day to day life. I am very excited to get more focused learning from experts as my current knowledge has been on a trial by fire and learn as you go basis! - Advocacy is core to my role but makes me nervous so this really ‘brings home’ the importance of studying the SQE for my own learning and career, and not just to pass an exam. #sqe #universityoflaw #sqe2 #aspriringsolicitor #traineesolicitor #lookingahead legally.lana (@legally.lana) posted on Instagram February 02, 2025 19:18