0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally.anna Published Aug. 27 2020 01:44 PM 📚 Next chapter 📚 So today I came home from a little break away to my LPC starter pack from u_law ! This is all starting to feel very real that I will be starting a new course in September and I can’t wait. Last week I also found out that I have been awarded a scholarship for the course which I am sooo grateful for as it really takes the pressure off self-funding! Now I need to get myself sorted for my course, I want to ask - what are your LPC essentials? I’m thinking plenty of lever arch folders and sticky tabs to keep my notes organised. I would love to hear from you if you’ve done the course/are starting this year! #lpc #ulaw #lawstudent #lawstudentsofinstagram legally.anna (@legally.anna) posted on Instagram August 27, 2020 12:44