Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by legally_boyd

💥Back with a bang💥 • First week back of self teaching/online collaborate sessions after the 2 week easter break... • Not going to lie, I didn’t do much in the 2 weeks off apart from a little consolidation & my prep for this weeks workshops. Though, I have walked/cycled miles & I have baked lots of lovely treats so I guess it hasn’t been a waste of 2 weeks off in lockdown 🤷🏼 ♀️ • Also, not sure about anyone, but I am finding is SUPER hard to find motivation to get any uni work done at the moment 🙇🏼 ♀️ I find myself getting very restless and my anxiety is through the roof whenever I am studying because I can’t help but think, I’m not cut out to teach myself the content alone... despite the online webinars being somewhat helpful in clarifying points I wasn’t 100% sure of, it is definitely not the same as face-to-face teaching 😭 • I cannot believe there’s only 5 weeks left of teaching & 7 weeks until exams 🤯 the elective side of my LPC has flown (but I guess it doesn’t help that my normal routine hasn’t kept me focused... some days I don’t even know what day it is!!!) • If anyone has any tips on how to keep on track & stay motivated, please share them below 👇🏼 as I would really appreciate it!!! • Stay home & stay safe everyone 🏡🌈✨ • #studygram #study #futuresolicitor #law #legaljourney #legalcareer #LPC #lawschool #workfromhome #Ulaw #studyspace #futuretrainee #becomingalawyer #lawyerlife #postgraduate #student #university #highereducation #trainingcontract

legally_boyd (@legally_boyd) posted on Instagram