0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally_boyd Published Sept. 14 2020 07:25 PM ✨Week 6 of my Training Contract✨ • ... and I am loving it! I am learning SO much & the experiences I am having are going to shape me into the solicitor I will be in 2 years time 🥰 • I feel as though the next 6 weeks are going to turn into 6 months in the blink of an eye! Each day is a day closer to qualifying 🙌🏼 • #studygram #study #futuresolicitor #law #legaljourney #legalcareer #LPC #lawschool #workfromhome #Ulaw #studyspace #futuretrainee #becomingalawyer #lawyerlife #postgraduate #student #university #highereducation #trainingcontract legally_boyd (@legally_boyd) posted on Instagram September 14, 2020 18:25