0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by legally_active Published Sept. 3 2020 01:58 PM 👩🏽 💻work hard play hard series🤸🏽 ♀️ 🤸🏽 ♀️ Thursdays are our LPC weekly zoom calls! A group of us join every week to catch up and get to to know each other (and mainly complain about how much work we have to do!). When doing a course online it’s easy to feel isolated and alone but these calls have been really helpful to remind myself that there’s a whole group of people going through the exact same thing. If we were on campus we’d all be in the library together and going for a drink so this is a nice opportunity for some normality! It also makes online break-out rooms 100% less awkward! If you’re doing an online course why don’t you suggest a zoom call? I promise you everyone wants one but no one wants to suggest it haha 👩🏽 💻 my work hard today has been postering! I find it so useful to write things down on paper and doing colourful A3 posters has been so helpful for revision! legally_active (@legally_active) posted on Instagram September 03, 2020 12:58