0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by lawstudentinleeds Published May 10 2020 06:14 PM ▪️ITS ALMOST EXAM TIME▪️ - Tort is definitely the one I’m most nervous about, however thankfully we can use some notes during the oral assessment (which is online of course)!🤯 - It’s going to be a busy 10 days and then it’s the END OF UNIVERSITY FOR THE YEAR! However, my summer and spare time will be used researching firms for potential training contract applications so there’s certainly no rest🤣 - Good luck to everybody who has their exams and coursework coming up! - #law #lawdegree #legal #legaldegree #lawblog #lawblogger #llb #university #revision #lawstudent #student #ulaw #lawstudies #lawrevision #motivation #degree #ulaw #lawschool #futurelawyer #trainingcontract #vacationscheme #fresher #lawschoolexams #lawexamrevision #lawstudy #lawstudygram #lawcoursework #llblaw lawstudentinleeds (@lawstudentinleeds) posted on Instagram May 10, 2020 17:14