Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by lawstudentinleeds

◾️TORT LAW EXAM PREP◾️ - So my first exam will be tort law (next Tuesday) - they have scrapped the coursework side and is now purely oral exam based which is slightly nerve wracking!🥴 - The coursework questions for EU and Public Law were released last Friday - they definitely have not been lenient with the EU coursework to say the least HOWEVER I will go into it with a positive mind and attitude in hopes it changes my mood towards it as I did love EU law this semester🤷🏻 ♂️ - I’m once again going to be implementing the law of attraction back into my life now more than ever (if you don’t know what this is, google it and read the book The Secret!) so we are putting all our negativity behind us and only focusing on the positives! Time to try and get a 10/10 plan together!💪🏼 - #law #lawdegree #legal #legaldegree #lawblog #lawblogger #llb #university #revision #lawstudent #student #ulaw #lawstudies #lawrevision #motivation #degree #ulaw #lawschool #futurelawyer #trainingcontract #vacationscheme #fresher #lawschoolexams #lawexamrevision #lawstudy #lawstudygram #lawcoursework #llblaw

lawstudentinleeds (@lawstudentinleeds) posted on Instagram