0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by lawstudentinleeds Published Mar. 27 2020 02:56 PM ◾️ NOTES CONSOLIDATION ◾️ - This week has definitely been a solid consolidation week. I’ve managed to change 12 pages of notes for 2 units into 4 pages🙌🏼 - I’ve done this for Public law so far, since this is the only exam I have at the end of the semester. EU law and Tort are coursework based (with one other oral exam for Tort) therefore I need to get these Public Law notes and skeletal as possible🤏🏼 - This weekend is being dedicated to INTENSE studying, with a lot of recaps and essays to be done! So it’s going to be a busy one to say the least🤷🏻 ♂️ - #law #lawdegree #legal #legaldegree #lawblog #lawblogger #llb #university #revision #lawstudent #student #ulaw #lawstudies #lawrevision #motivation #degree #ulaw #lawschool #futurelawyer #trainingcontract #vacationscheme #fresher #lawschoolexams #lawexamrevision #lawstudy #lawstudygram #lawcoursework #llblaw lawstudentinleeds (@lawstudentinleeds) posted on Instagram March 13, 2020 10:49