Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

Instagram shot by lawstudentinleeds

▪️THE REALITY OF EXAM PREP▪️ - I’ll be the first to say that my exam and coursework preparation is certainly not as tidy & neat as my Instagram comes across😅 It’s more like organised chaos to say the least! - I have just completed my tort oral assessment, which I think went relatively well! Obviously it’s hard to determine how well it actually has gone but we will find out at the beginning of July!🤯 - Now it’s time to spend the full day drafting and revisiting my EU law coursework - it’s none stop at the moment but it will be all over for FOUR MONTHS in just one week - Good luck to all those studying at the moment☺️ - #law #lawdegree #legal #legaldegree #lawblog #lawblogger #llb #university #revision #lawstudent #student #ulaw #lawstudies #lawrevision #motivation #degree #ulaw #lawschool #futurelawyer #trainingcontract #vacationscheme #fresher #lawschoolexams #lawexamrevision #lawstudy #lawstudygram #lawcoursework #llblaw

lawstudentinleeds (@lawstudentinleeds) posted on Instagram