0 Likes Like This 2 Like Work Instagram shot by lawful_living Published Mar. 27 2020 03:04 PM Electives time!😁😁 Stage 1 of the LPC grades are out and congratulations to everyone who received their results today🥳 to those who didn’t do as well as they wanted, please keep your head up! remember you’ve done your best and you get to improve and have another smash it again its not the end at all. I am really excited to get into my electives because they are areas of interest and I think this had made the prep and reading a lot less of a chore😂 however staying productive without the library has started off a little rocky but I think ill make a schedule for the days im not at work. My electives are: -Family, Employment and Immigration. Hope everyone is doing well , stay safe and dont stress ❤️ lawful_living (@lawful_living) posted on Instagram March 19, 2020 19:15