Live Prospectus - by the people who know us best, our students

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MA Law Semester 2️⃣📚 • This semesters modules are: 👉🏼Contract Law 👉🏼Tort 👉🏼Land Law 👉🏼Equity and Trusts 👉🏼Dissertation • So … there’ll be plenty to do! • Thinking about all of the content to be covered can be overwhelming, but remember to segment your large tasks into small, more manageable ones. • 💡So, for your Dissertation, create a timetable in which you outline your goals for completion (title decided by X date, chapter 1 planned by X date, etc). • Good luck with Semester 2, everyone and stay tuned for more study tips and application guidance!📚❤️ • #legalstudies #semester2 #ulaw u_law #lawstudent #aspiringsolicitors #studymanuals #lawconversion #malaw #trainingcontract #legalapplications

law_withgrace (@law_withgrace) posted on Instagram