0 Likes Like This Like Work Instagram shot by law_with_georgia Published Feb. 26 2021 02:17 PM Practice advocacy complete! ✅ This exam out of all on the LPC is one I’m dreading the most! However my practice today went extremely well and has made me feel 10x more comfortable for the real exam next week. I got a competent mark and received some really good feedback which I can use in my next exam! In terms of preparation I found making a chronology super helpful and going through the recordings of the case studies to see how their submissions were formulated to help me with my own. Also making a detailed plan before the summary advocacy plan and then practicing my submissions and timing them to make sure I was under 10 minutes. Being on the real exam next week💪 #lpc #ulaw #lawschool #advocacy law_with_georgia (@law_with_georgia) posted on Instagram February 16, 2021 16:37